WIN treats children from age 1 to 12 years old
As a matter of fact, most of our patients are in this category. Usually, at this age, the patient has demonstrated symptoms of developmental delay, ADHD, Autism, academic performance, OCD, Depression, Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia, Central Auditory Processing, Sensory Integration Problems, Behavior Problems, Genetic Disorders, and other conditions.
Most of our parents tell us that they have visited multiple health professionals and are not satisfied with their child’s progress. Parents are searching for other treatments that could accelerate the acquisition of skills. Some want to obtain a diagnosis; others are concerned about their medication’s side effects and are looking for other options of treatment.
The WIN Developmental Evaluation
Our child development clinic performs a comprehensive evaluation that includes a variety of tests, from a neurological exam in the first visit to multiple extensive evaluations. Our WIN Developmental Evaluation assesses the patient’s skills compared to children of the same age in the following areas: motor, sensory, cognitive, communication, and speech and socio-emotional. Other tests to evaluate skills are performed depending on the age and diagnosis like Tympanogram, Acoustic Reflex Test, Primitive Reflexes Test, and Listening Test. We will refer to other professionals for testing of specific areas as needed. Specialized laboratory testing is performed to identify the individual's genetics, metabolic problems, immunologic, neurotransmitter production, hormone imbalances, among others. In summary, we will be evaluating the child in all areas associated with the symptoms to accurately determined diagnosis and design a plan of treatment to accelerate the development of skills as much as possible.
After we commence medical treatment for children on medication, we dive into the start of the therapeutic programs. When follow-up evaluations demonstrate that the patient has progressed, we will start to wean off medications. We will always discuss weaning the medication with the doctors prescribing them and with the child's parents. The process will be monitored constantly.
WIN Excellence Programs for Gifted Children and Athletes
These programs are designed for gifted children and athletes who want to maximize their potential. The programs are designed individually to achieve specific academic goals or improve performance in a sport.
WIN does not provide general pediatric care routinely but can provide consultations on special circumstances. It is very important that the parent consults their PMD for routine or emergency health situations. Please, consult our Front Desk Personnel for more details.
Have questions?
Get in touch with WIN
Guaynabo, Puerto Rico
101 San Patricio Ave. Maramar Plaza, Suite 1060
Guaynabo, PR 00968
Telephone 787-474-0400